
The main human relics from prehistoric times are megalithic constructions. (Megalith means “large stones”)

Portugal has hundreds, if not thousands, of megalithic sites. These are broken down into the following categories:

  • Tombs
  • Standing Stones
  • Alignments or circles

Many of these sites are visitable, but some are on private land. As archaeologists excavate these sites, any artefacts of human creation are kept in museums or universities.

Use the map at the right to search among the various megalithic sites or browse through the entries below. More posts are added as sites get visited.

  • Barreira Megalithic Complex

    Barreira Megalithic Complex

    Standing on the hilltop, surrounded by tall trees and lush undergrowth, you are surrounded by a tumbled abundance of giant stones, some standing brightly in the sunshine, with others covered in moss and/or ivy. To the east, you can see the Sintra hills, topped with the fairy-tale Pena Palace. To the west, the magnificent Mafra…

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  • Menir de Aspradantes

    Menir de Aspradantes

    Standing on a ridge of a hill, looking over the fields in the western Algarve, the silence belies the hum of traffic on the distant motorway and the whirr of the towering wind turbines on the far hills. These monumental emblems of the modern age of electricity seem to mock the tiny stone standing alone…

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  • Vale Maria do Meio Cromlech

    Vale Maria do Meio Cromlech

    Nestled in a cork oak forest, the stones stand in an elongated group. The hot breeze blows past them and through the trees, making the leaves tremble and rustle slightly. That’s the only sound you hear, along with the buzz of insects. The stones reflect the intense Alentejo sun, giving off their own heat. They…

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  • Anta de Agualva

    Anta de Agualva

    Also called: Anta do Carrascal The buzz of traffic is fairly constant. People and dogs come walking by frequently. This is an urban setting, with houses and apartment blocks, shops and businesses all around. You walk along cement pathways, and approach the tomb along wooden boardwalks. There it lies, surrounded by green hedges, nestled in…

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