Necrópole de Carenque

ALSO KNOWN AS: Artificial Caves (Grutas Artificiais) of Tojal de Vila Chã Stand on the hilltop and listen. You can hear the hum of traffic on the nearby motorway. Heavy vehicles from the waterworks next door rumble softly. Aeroplanes gently roar overhead. Otherwise, within the fence, all is quiet. Wind blows the grass, and whistles …

Caves of Poço Velho

In Portuguese: Grutas do Poço Velho Under the bustling town, lies a twisting labyrinth of limestone karst caves. Feel the cold, smooth stone as you duck your head: those stones have been worn away by humans for tens of thousands of years. Look into the rounded nooks: people have lain their departed loved ones there. …

Dólmen or Anta-Capela of St. Mary Magdalene

Sitting in the quiet & peaceful church, you can contemplate faith and history at the same time. The church itself dates back to the 16th century, and the hundreds of years of devotion has permeated the azulejo tiles, marble altar, and beautiful stained-glass windows devoted to its patron saint. Then you turn and enter the …


A group of stones in the forest show cup (or “cupule”) marks (the Portuguese term is covinhas, which translates as “dimples”). These are a distinctive prehistoric decoration technique. The carvings are seen on several stones: some are connected by grooves, and others form distinctive alignments or sets. The carvings have been investigated by archaeologists, but …