Roman Villa of Freiria

This is a Roman site, but it does also have remnants of an Iron Age settlement. Most of the site is of Roman construction (1st century AD/CE), but there are remnants of earlier Iron Age buildings. Pottery from the Chalcolithic period was found on the site, indicating continued occupation from prehistoric to Roman times. Other …

Menir do Padrão

Standing tall on a hillside in the Algarve, this solitary menir bears witness to the vast stretches of time between us and the earliest occupation of this land by people, over seven thousand years ago. This menir is a tall stone of white limestone, the only one standing of a group that originally might have …

Interpretation Center of Megalithism

Portuguese name: Núcleo Interpretativo do Megalitismo Walk inside the beautiful Remedios Convent and follow the signs past the menirs on display, and you enter a small but fascinating museum of megalithism in the heart of Évora. Celebratings the discoveries in the surrounding regions, the displays will give you information about sites to visit, how the …

Santa Vitória

Also known as: Povoado Pré-Histórico de Santa Vitória Climb the metal staircase which spirals 4 meters above the hilltop. Look around at the surrounding countryside: the farms, the nearby town, the water works behind you. Then look down at the hilltop surface. Look closely. There, carved into the ground are curving ditches and holes. They …

Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology of Elvas

Portuguese name: Museu de Arqueologia e Etnografia de Elvas António Tómas Pires As you explore this historic building, you can look at historic displays while walking through one. The walls show one part of history, and the displays reveal many others. Videos show the work done in the bakeries in the building during recent years, …

Anta do Estanque

Walk through the quiet village of São Geraldo, and turn down the small lane of Rua Esquerda. Say “bom dia” to the old gentlemen sitting in chairs on the lane outside their houses, having a chat. Then, when you see the silver metal historic plaque from Évora Turismo at the end of the lane, look …