Necrópole Megalítica de Chão Redondo

ALSO IDENTIFIED AS: Dólmen 2 (or Anta 2) de Chão Redondo, or Monumentos Megalíticos do Chão de Redondo From a distance, it doesn’t seem very extraordinary. There’s a remnant of the large mound of stone and earth which originally covered the prehistoric tomb. The tomb itself looks fairly typical of an average-sized neo-chalcolithic chamber tomb. …

Antas da Lapeira

Also known as: Antas da Tapada As you drive out of Pavia, heading towards Estremoz, it’s tempting to put the boot down and save time. But slow down and look to your left. Less than a kilometer out of town, lies a beautiful example of prehistoric architecture. Nestled under a tree, on a small hill, …

Anta do Beringel

Also called: Tholos of Cumeada On a hill in the heart of the Algarve, a bare dead tree holds vigil over an ancient megalithic tomb. The surrounding hills provide a backdrop of forest and low scrub, leaving the stones standing out under the hot sun. In the quiet, the millennia that stretch between its construction …

Dólmen or Anta-Capela of St. Mary Magdalene

Sitting in the quiet & peaceful church, you can contemplate faith and history at the same time. The church itself dates back to the 16th century, and the hundreds of years of devotion has permeated the azulejo tiles, marble altar, and beautiful stained-glass windows devoted to its patron saint. Then you turn and enter the …

Anta de Agualva

Also called: Anta do Carrascal The buzz of traffic is fairly constant. People and dogs come walking by frequently. This is an urban setting, with houses and apartment blocks, shops and businesses all around. You walk along cement pathways, and approach the tomb along wooden boardwalks. There it lies, surrounded by green hedges, nestled in …