Anta do Beringel

Also called: Tholos of Cumeada On a hill in the heart of the Algarve, a bare dead tree holds vigil over an ancient megalithic tomb. The surrounding hills provide a backdrop of forest and low scrub, leaving the stones standing out under the hot sun. In the quiet, the millennia that stretch between its construction …

Anta da Masmorra

High on a hill, surrounded by nothing but low scrub and forest, stands an abandoned and ruined site: a shattered windmill tower beside the road, forlorn. Just beyond lies the far more ancient Anta da Masmorra, showing less damage than the (relatively) modern windmill. This prehistoric tomb rests quietly in relative anonymity and isolation. It …

Anta-Capela de São Dinis

Also called: Anta de Pavia The enormous dolmen stands proudly in the square, grey and hulking beside the traditional yellow and white Alentejana buildings. It presents its original rear towards the square, but as you head around to its entrance its transformation becomes clear. The squared-off stone entranceway replaces the original corridor, and the cross …

Dólmen or Anta-Capela of St. Mary Magdalene

Sitting in the quiet & peaceful church, you can contemplate faith and history at the same time. The church itself dates back to the 16th century, and the hundreds of years of devotion has permeated the azulejo tiles, marble altar, and beautiful stained-glass windows devoted to its patron saint. Then you turn and enter the …

Menir dos Almendres

As you follow the well-trodden (and well-worn!) path, with wired fences on either side of you, you get the feeling that you are simply being herded to something very pedestrian and unimpressive. The nearby farm buildings do nothing to allay you of your suspicions that you are wasting your time. And then the fences fall …